Saturday, March 8, 2014

Day 67 (03/08)

so today was mine and alex's 3 year anniversary of our first kiss!!!! aw!!! i actually woke up and alex wasn't even home what the hecking HECK. he got home and apparently he was at his friend's house. then again i did sleep until like noon. nina called and invited us to cold stone, so we both got ready real fast, fed the puppies and left. got some damn ice cream for breakfast. we sat and talked a lil bit and then we went to target to get an ice cooler for our trip to CA next week. then we went to spinn's because alex was still kind of hungry and we had some nachos and fried buffalo wings. felt super gross and wanted to puke all day.

then alex went through a series of phone calls involving his cousin in phoenix, who's in the ICU, had a heart attack and his organs were shutting down. his aunt wanted him and his sisters to go down to phoenix right away. so alex was going back and forth trying to get his shifts covered and everything and talking to his family on the phone. he got work taken care of and nina came over and then nayeli came over and they all left for phoenix and they're coming back tomorrow night. i super miss him already. we already don't spend any time together ever.

so after he left, i've just been cleaning the apartment like crazy and watching broad city. we have no food and i have no boyfriend to cook for me so i went out to mcdonalds. i seriously still feel so sick i've been eating like shit all day.

i'm gonna do some insanity and probably talk to sean on the phone and go to sleep


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