Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 73 (03/14)

so i was shadowing in surgery today we had 4 surgeries...somethin like that

first one was a cat who had just the worst teeth ever. he was the fastest surgery, but only because his EKG showed arrhythmias and we didn't want him to die on the table, so we hurried up with the dental and then basically recovered him as fast as we could. we did an EKG later on in the day and it was totally normal. so idk

next one was a dental + mass removal. i did the entire dental myself and then we moved him into surgery to do the removal, which was on his pad between 3rd & 4th digits so it was a pain in the ass to felt weirdddddd

next one was a walk-in emergency exploratory on a vizsla. apparently this was just a problem dog. when the owner first adopted her she just had a bunch of UTIs that took a while to treat, and now she ate something rubber, looked like tire pieces. anyway we opened up the abdomen, made two incisions one on the stomach and the other in the small intestine and just kept pulling pieces of rubber out. the surgery took about an hour and a half ugh,

during the surgery a boston terrier came in with a seizure. it actually ended up dying, and the owner came in to say goodbye. it's like a stab in the heart watching a grown man sob that much.

we took a break in between surgeries and i spent it wrapping packs while everyone was at lunch. because alex had dropped me off and i didn't have my car nor did i bring lunch so hahahaha oops, i starved all day. during the break there was a HBC call some techs and doctors rushed out to get, but when they brought the dog in he was already dead. :/ looked really bad.

after break was done and the doctor came back we did a deciduous tooth removal and then an OHE. after i recovered her, i bounced.

alex picked me up, then we stopped by home to pick zelda up and then went to drop alex off at work. then i took zelda to get her HWT+HWP. i love how she just paralyzes when she knows something's up

after that i made it all the way to my dad's with the gas light on!!!! got my mom's credit card i'm supposed to use for gas, ate some sinigang, went to get gas, and then went home. cleaned up the apartment a lil bit more before mikaela housesits while we're in CA and then spent the rest of the night watching degrassi and broad city. i'm gonna watch jimmy fallon until i decide to leave to pick alex up from work


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