Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 82 (03/22)

so i spent alllll dayyy cleaning my apartment. first i did a bunch of laundry and then i needed breakfast so i went to go make breakfast for myself, which was a complete fuck up somehow. i went to grab the syrup bottle from my cabinet and for some dumb reason it toppled out of my hand, flew across the dining table and slammed itself on the floor where it cracked and syrup leaked ALL OVER MY CARPET. i quickly grabbed the bottle and threw it in the sink but then sticky syrup was litterally everywhere on the kitchen floor and the dining room carpet and some splashed on the dining room chairs and the blankets that were laying off to the side. it was a fucking disaster. so before i even ate breakfast i spent my life cleaning up the syrup. i stored the remaining syrup in a jar. there's still kind of a big stain on the carpet but everything else is pretty clean. i even mopped the kitchen.

ugh so i finally ate breakfast and vacuumed and got to chill out and watch tv and fold laundry and this is how toad repays me


mikaela came over to help me study for the vtne and it was a fucking disaster i'm such an idiot and i don't feel prepared at all. i'm gonna fail this motherfucker. after she left i just watched once upon a time and glee, where i cried multiple times because finn, and now i'm watching broad city and eating some ramen. fuck everything. hopefully i still have some pringles because i'm craving chips


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