Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 68 - 71 (03/09-03/12)

lmao fml i'm so sorry

3/09 - so uh i basically spent all day cleaning the house and watching broad city youtube videos until alex came home from phoenix. i picked him and nayeli up from flying j and then nayeli went home. we were both super exhausted so we went to bed. at least that's what i think b/c i can't remember

3/10 - so monday was our dentistry lab. i was at southwest and we did one dental on a geriatric chihuahua. he had a bifurcation on his caranassial and only needed one tooth extracted that i ended up helping extract!!!! lila and i used the elevators to loosen the tooth and then it kind of just popped up. so that was new thing i did. we helped clean up and then went to pharmacology where we had a lecture on antimicrobial drugs and antiparasitics. got home, alex was at work, so i watched jimmy fallon all day basically until i had to pick him up.

3/11 - so i had clinicals in the afternoon. i shadowed inpatient for the first time, which was actually super boring compared to outpatient. even though apparently inpatient > outpatient. it's basically just keeping an eye on critical care and hospitalized patients. there were really only a couple patients tuesday so not much to do. we did a barium study on one of the staff's dogs because she might've eaten a castle and she was throwing up a lot. so we took radiographs every hour or so. in between those hours i was just trying to help with whatever i could. i felt like it was euthanasia day though. i listened to melissa do follow-up calls and one of them was for a cat with a heart tumor whose owners were just gonna monitor until they decided ~it was time~ but they were also bringing in another dog to have euthanized. :/ poor people. then a dog came in who was just ADR and when we took radiographs we found the dog had a cardiomegaly and possibly was going through heart failure. i sat with the dog in treatment for about half an hour watching him and keeping him warm (because his temp was crazy low) until the owners decided on euthanizing. so it was a pretty depressing day.

3/12 - it was my pharmacology 2nd midterm day so i showed up for school like 2 hours early. for our clinicals class she made us go around the room and say one thing we learned in pharmacology uggggh. but i was mostly concentrating on just studying. the midterm actually wasn't that bad so whatevs. then we had the cutest doctor give us a lecture on ruminant and equine nutrition in our therapeutics class.


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