Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 36 (02/05)

so this morning was nice because i had time to do things before school. so alex and i went out for coffee at hardback cafe and we walked around hastings for a lil bit. i hate doing this because there are all these books i want, damn it.

it started to snow so we went home and i changed before leaving for school. it started snowing pretty hard by the time i left. i stopped by twisters on the way and hung out in the library before clinicals class. god it was fuckin cold by then basically all day i was freezing my ass off even though i wore leggings under my jeans and a peacoat over my sweater over my fuckin sweater. not to mention i was damn annoyed all day. just tiny things were annoying the hell out of me so i distanced myself from people as much as possible because god just so annoyed i was text-venting to alex all day

pharmacology we started on the effect of certain drugs on the nervous system and it was very specific and i was super overwhelmed by it all and i almost had a breakdown after class trying to process everything but i held it in. being in this program it's like, it's basically if you took pharmacy tech, nursing, radiology tech, surgical tech, laboratory tech programs, which are all 2 year programs, but all of it being thrown at you so fast in one semester and it's fucking overwhelming. literally for the stress i go through i'm not gonna get paid enough. no wonder veterinarians wanna scream whenever people accuse them for doing things for money.

ANYWAYS. then it was applied therapeutics and we had guest speakers lecturing on primates in both wildlife rehabilitation and laboratory medicine. after class i actually had to scrape ice off my car like a fucking peasant because the snow came down so quickly and it was freezing. i seriously felt like jason segel in the five year engagement. the drive back home was terrifying because the roads were icy and i had already gotten 2 notifications on my phone about how a bunch of roads were closed because of multiple accidents. so i'm kind of scared to drive to nob hill and pick alex up. damn

i'm gonna take a nap ugh


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