Friday, February 21, 2014

Day 49 (02/18)

so today was my first day at my new clinic which is the same clinic one of my best friends works at!!! unfortunately she's only there fridays because we're both still going to school. so yeah. i got there and took a tour of the clinic and kind of just stood around most of the time getting familiar with the place and helping whenever i can.

there was an emergency where a dog had bloat so the doctor needed to put an orogastric tube and suck out the bloat basically. i helped insert the tube and pushed and pulled it back and forth to get all the grossness out.

i helped out with two appointments. one of them was a dog from the caribbean who'd had bloody diarrhea and was vomiting for the last few days. the doctor seemed more concerned about whether or not he was on HWP because he'd come from the caribbean - mosquitoes galore!!! so we did a HWT and it came out negative and got him on some HWP. then the lady just said she's get a stool sample next time so we can do a fecal

i was gonna help out with a shiba inu whose tail wasn't curled and was walking funny on her hind legs but then the hospital manager pulled me away to observe an endoscopy. i've never seen an endoscopy before so it was kinda cool to watch. the dog had gotten into some trash and passed a tamale husk, but he still wasn't eating or drinking so he came in and stayed overnight on fluids. so we did an endoscopy and pulled out a bunch of chunks of tamale husks. ~only in new mexico~

i helped restrain a dog while he got his anal glands express and then went home~*~*~*~**~*~

i got home and changed and alex and i took zelda on a walk to the park because it was such a nice day outside!!!! wow!!!! also stacked things on bridgette

once we got back home i did my entire pharmacology portfolio. i just wanted to be done with it and now i am. it took me forever 5 hours to do so i went straight to bed afterwards.


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