Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 10 (01/10)

today was probably the worst day of 2014 by far i had to get out of bed at 4:30am to attend a 4 hour lecture at a lab animal research center about how they care for their animals and what exactly they're doing with them and fucking FDA PROTOCOLS seriously the most boring shit on the planet i mean at least they had krispy kreme and coffee but the coffee made me want to pee so bad and i couldn't just get up and go to the bathroom, since it's like a high security place. a staff member had to escort us as a group so i literally had to wait for them to tell me i could use the restroom uGH i needed to pee so bad i started drawing pictures about needing to go pee

mine & mikaela's notes at the top

after the lecture they gave us like a 15 minute tour where they talked more about what they did with the rats and mice and for a brief 12 seconds after i heard about how much they get paid i was like "hm maybe i could work here" but no. no i can't. not worth it.

went home afterwards and during the tour my right eye was just burning, which it has been doing for a couple days so i went to the optometrist and scheduled an appointment for wednesday (zelda's birthday!!). went to petsmart to get some dog food, went home and watched the mindy project with alex before he left for work.

after he left i took a nap for an hour, woke up and started straightening out the apartment a lil bit. i tumblred a lil bit and now i'm rewriting my pharmacology notes and afterwards i'll figure out what other things i need to get done on blackboard since i left my backpack in the car :-(


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