Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 14 (01/14)

wow ok i' mso tired i'll try to remember everything

this morning i woke up hella late so i showed up to my clinicals at 9 :-( so i stayed until 5. it was so busy!!!!

well hmm a lot of surgeries as usual, i did my first skin scraping on a dog!!!! hmmm there was a helicopter at the fire academy next door that the clinic got really excited about because we've never seen a helicopter take off and land so close by. i guess that's cool. what else. had to spay a dog in heat, was a bloody mess so we did a belly bandage after surgery which was kinda cool. i gave boosters to a bunch of animals and i didn't poke the needle through the skin once!! i attempted to intubate a cat but it's hard as hell. isaac expressed the bladder on that same cat and the pee went everywhere including my scrub top and all up my arm. wonderful. we ear-tipped a feral cat and removed a cherry eye on both eyes of a chihuahua.

my favorite patient of the day was this guy

all we did was do a heartworm test and give a rabies vaccine, but when i was taking him back to his kennel someone was already trying to adopt him. so i took him to the bonding area and it turns out the guy actually did adopt him!! so that's cool. i would've totally adopted him if it weren't for such a tiny apartment. alex loves boston terriers

and i got to play with this lil kitten all day! she reminded me so much of toad i loved her so much


and i didn't wanna touch this guy, he's a hydrocephalic chihuahua and they don't live that long. last hydro i saw was at a different clinic and we ended up having to euthanize when he was 8 months old. sucks but that's life

i don't know his name

lol and then i gave booster vaccines to all the dogs and cats that needed them, except for the ones that had CAUTION or BITE CASE written on their cage card. fuck that shit. these were my faves

the one on the left's name is lil boo and she was cross eyed!!! she came in with 8 other cats. their owner just died and i guess nobody else would take them :-( i don't know the one on the right but i'm calling him batman. he was just cute

OH i just realized u can include videos. there was this cat named SHAQUIBA and had this weird meow, but she was such a sweet kitty aw

alex picked me up and we went home briefly so i could change and then we went to elephant bar for dinner. our waiter was silly. after dinner we went to see american hustle. see what the whole hubbubabubu was about. it was a lil bit confusing to me at first but dang did it actually turn out good. i don't get how the flip jlaw was even nominated for that golden globe in the first place tbh. she was hilarious as heck but her performance wasn't really award-worthy.

now we're home and my feet hurt i'm gonna sleep FOREVER


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