Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 24 (01/24)

today was pretty productive i woke up to alex cooking me a skillet with potatoes, eggs, avocado, and spinach and it was so flippin good. so good. we finished season 2 of grey's anatomy and wow just watching that show makes my blood pressure go up just because of how dumb the characters are wow!!! i did my make up like perfect today. perfect eyeliner and everything.

then we went to a gordmans for a new comforter and the first one we went to didn't even have comforters!!! wtf!!!! so we went to the other one at coronado mall and they were all out of the comforter i wanted but we settled on this really nice teal/espresso colored pattern. we got a 7 piece for super cheap and the lady at the register was like "you saved $50 today!!!" cool!!!!

went to lowe's after and got some blinds because zelda chewed up the ones we have. she gets separation anxiety and we have to open the blinds but we forgot one night and when she can't look out the window she basically eats the blinds

then we went to ta lin market and got some ingredients so i could make sinigang today and we also got some filipino snackies!!!!! i was so excited they expanded the "manila" isle so now there's a lot more filipino stuff. at first i freaked out because i thought they took out all the snacks, but it turns out they were just in the next isle hahahahahahahahahahahahhahha. midway through checking out i noticed the cashier was this GUY that was in one of my theatre acting class. story with this guy: before i was dating alex, i was walking around uptown one day and i ran into this guy (i forgot his name. i'll call him...idk. piglet.) i ran into piglet and he was like "oh hey, i actually came here to meet with this girl for a date but i got stood up." and then he offered to buy me food from california pizza and i think he thought it was a date, because he was being extra nice to me during our acting classes after. like weirdly nice. creepy nice. i should've known better. but anyways, he was our cashier. and once i noticed i looked everywhere except for him. like "wow, are those hello kitty pens? do they have keroppi? maybe chococat i can give julie? hmmm??? oh, bags of rice? how much are those??? weird!!!!" after alex and i got back into the car i told him and he was like "yeah he like gave you a weird look but i assumed he was just checking you out" NO IT'S BECAUSE HE NOTICED WHO I WAS

then we went to smiths so i can get more ingredients for sinigang. that reminds me i bought a baby bottle pop wtf?!?!?! where did it go??? dang i probably left it in the car. anyways. we went to hastings to walk around afterwards and i saw this ungodly piece of merchandise

the contents were even ungodlier. afterwards i took alex to work and went home and set up our new comforter and made sinigang!!!! seriously the best i've ever made. and here's bridgette chillin on our bed

so yeah. i watched 2 episodes of grey's and i'm just getting angrier, i don't think this show is good for me. now i'm writing this. i'm tired but i have to stay up until midnight to pick alex up. sigggh. i'll just play pokemon until then. i should do homework but that can wait i think


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