Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 7 (01/07)

today was my first day at my new clinicals!!! it was at an animal shelter so i don't get to do appointments. but we did do a lot of surgeries. had about 12 spays & neuters, which is a lot less than i expected, then again the first spay took a while because the dog's had puppies before and she just got out of heat, so she was a bit hemorrhagic. when i expressed her bladder some blood clots came out so that's a thing. i spent a lot of time playing with a lil chihuahua named tupac!! coincidentally it was in there because it had been shot by bbs in a couple different places. fuckin albuquerque man. then there was a cocker spaniel we neutered that looked like angelo that i LOVED. he seemed to only warm up to me cause he tried biting everyone else. i'm officially the cocker spaniel whisperer!!! he kept chewing at his incision so we put on a cone of shame. pobresito.

a stray 3 month old kitten came in that wasn't moving much, had some oral ulcerations, wasn't taking any water or food so we gave it subcutaneous fluids and nutri-cal. after receiving fluids it got up and looked around and meowed at us for a while so we just put him in a kennel with a heating bag. when we went to go check up on him he was straight up dead. poor kitty. ended up sending him off to VDS and i named him biggie smalls because he came in and died without a name. we needed a biggie smalls to match our tupac ok

after lunch nothing really went on, we ended up cleaning the whole clinic and made rounds in the cattery to see if everyone was doing well. i was so distracted by this one though. so pretty. i want all the cats

once we were done with that, the tech i was shadowing started quizzing us on veterinary trivia. i was there with a couple students from other schools so it was like a competition. i ended up answering everything!!! i'm so glad i'm the one getting the cheaper but superior education!!!!! unless i'm just smart as hell. except how do you not know the signs of bordetella and URI? u fuckin dummy

alex picked me up and i came home to packages!!! my leather jacket i ordered with some cheap yellow heart earrings that look super cute on me and thESE FUCKIN THINGS FROM TIA i'm so happy i love them so much i'm gonna show them off to everyone at school tomorrow

anyways i tried to collapse on the couch but then alex tickle-forced me to start studying so i studied the first chapter of pharmacology. now we're gonna go watch tv and even tho it's still hella early 7:00 i'm fuckin wiped out i'll probably pass out in the middle of watching grey's anatomy

tune in next time on jello 3-6-5!!!!!


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