Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 12 (01/12)

well i'm just really bad at this aren't i

so lemme try to remember...yesterday i woke up and cleaned the apartment. just so u know i clean the apartment like every day i don't know i hate any sort of mess, ever. then i made 3 pumpkin pies!!! i just felt like it. thanks for reminding me i have pumpkin pie in the refrigerator, 365 blog.

alex came home from work and then mikaela came over to do our goat/sheep parasite thing (that nobody else ended up doing!!) and to watch the golden globes. but first we went to the store to get snackies and champagne. so we did, and i got really buzzed off 2 glasses -_- but the golden globes were pretty much bullshit apparently. 12 years a slave got robbed, even though i never saw it, it's gotten really good reviews but they only won best drama film. leo finally won a golden globe!!! after like 8 years!!!! i think his last one was in 2005? then diddy tried kissing bono's cheek but got rejected, and i dunno if i was the only one that noticed that cause nobody else is talking about it. jennifer lawrence, idk, she annoys me, i don't like her. all my other friends do so i try not to say anything about how much she annoys me. typical awkward white girl. breaking bad got 2 golden globes and that was the closest i got to tears. jimmy fallon presented that basically made my entire night. damn how could i forget randy?! i flippin love amy poehler. still dunno about tina fey. sometimes i love her sometimes i'm neutral. it was basically an SNL reunion god bless

i'm sorry this is all about the golden globes i'm just really passionate about award shows. i wish i saw more of the movies that were nominated though, the only one i really saw was wolf of wall street and frozen lol

okay, bye


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